Friday, November 21, 2008


I have finally found a pair of vintage shoes, that sort of fit. They're the tiniest bit small. But it will be fine when my toes go numb and a stack of bandaids will help.
I have them on right now with two really thick pairs of socks, you can see them in the photo. Considering they're leather hopefully they will stretch.
These put me back $5, do you think that is too much?

How to stretch shoes (according to google)

  1. Wear 1000000 pairs of socks, or as many as you can fit. I already knew this one. I do it with all my shoes. The best bit is even if it doesnt stretch them much when you take the socks off and wear them without the socks it feel so comfy.
  2. Fill a sealable bag with water and put it in your shoes. Then put them in the freezer. This sounds like it would work, but I dont want to over stretch them. Or ruin them.
  3. Stuff a damp towel in the toe. Then leave it until it dries. Sounds okay, but wouldn't it take ages to dry.
  4. Heat them with a hairdryer for 30 seconds them put them on, they should mould to your feet. Toasty tootsies sounds good. But arent shoes made with glue. So couldnt they melt and become ruined.
  5. cut up a potato and put in the place you want stretched. Okay thats a bit gross, potatoes in shoes?

Hmm. I like the sound of warm feet, So i'll try the hairdryer thing. As well as walking around in really really thick socks.

Wish me luck

honey and lemon


peaitlreiecnia said...

Pretty in pink was one of the first John Hughes film's that I ever saw and I agree, not as great as breakfast club but still a superb teen film nonetheless.
Frankie is super! Did you know since the last edition, the price increased by a whole dollar? And who said that the global financial crisis wasn't affecting us? Lol

Anyway, you've got a great little blog here, and your finds certainly have been interesting. The shoes look amazing, good luck with the stretching process!

Liv Bambola said...

ooh! Have you tried it? Did it work? I've a pair of shoes that need stretching :)

minteva said...

ooh, i will definitely be trying these tips, i've had a pair of shoes for over a year that i've been too lazy to get stretched :S thank you so much for the lovely comment! x