Tuesday, December 9, 2008

you know those days

When you wake up and really cant be bothered crawling out of bed, how you drag yourself to the kitchen to swallow your toast and throw back that glass of juice. How the day drags on and on until finally it's time to go to bed again. Well i'm having one of those days. I'm putting it down to the last few days of school and it being absolutely pathetic. To top it off i lost the battle of making my friends come to adventure park for a school activity day. So we arent going but i suppose its an extra day of holidays and we'll go to the beach or pool.

some very random and badly displayed pictures of things i love. Only because i love them or think they're glamorous or beautful :)

sorry for the crappy post. but had to say something

honey and lemon


Lavender said...

Thanks for visiting. Your blog is great. Jaws is one of my favorite films and I love that poster.

Pearls and Peonies said...

I know what you mean. Those last few days of school are the worst because you know you're so close to being done. Lovely pictures!

Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

peaitlreiecnia said...

great pictures, love them!